Look at your offer or services and then ask yourself, how are you part of what you do?

If you are a web designer, a coach, a healer do you know how many options there are for each of these? A ton…yet you know what you offer is better, unique and it’s because of not only what you offer but who you are, your talent…

So why are you selling yourself short by lumping yourself together with all those other people?

What you offer is different and a part of the challenge is taking the natural part of you to convey it in a way that others feel the difference…

Let's take a look at some healing practices such as Tantra or Reiki healing...although people are warming up to those practices they are still somewhat on the fringe especially with Tantra…

It's vital then to take a step back and realize what all this revolves around and that’s you…When you look at healing practices there is a more obvious connection to the practitioner...yet the core of what makes other practices different as well is the person behind them...

By reveling more of who you are, what you care about, the whole picture of you or at least the parts you are willing to share publicly, then there is more to you…

Along the way you are also showing the parts that make up what you offer…

At this point you might be thinking this is just a way to stand out more from everyone else…

While that might happen the real focus is on the dynamics between you and your tribe.

It’s in conveying your message, your root core and what and why you are here, what your mission is…and so much more that goes into what you provide…

The focus isn’t in a comparison to others, the focus is on connecting to your tribe, your audience, the people you want to work with, that’s the real push…

The desire to stand out focuses upon comparison with others whereas when delve into you and your tribe, there is no need to compare…instead you are sharing how you resonate, how you connect and are a part of what they are doing…

Essentially you are allowing your potential tribe to decide at another level that’s a bit more intuitive in nature…where instead of looking at a spreadsheet of comparison they are asking from who they are what’s right for them…

This is where the world is headed, in a new direction where there isn’t so much placed on just logic, where there is heart brain coherence and with that comes trusting the gut, the intuition and recognizing the overall journey we are all taking on this planet…

This is stepping into that through a bridge and video provides that bridge alongside story…to get there involves incorporating a bit more of you into what you show…and it involves shortening the friction between having your idea and sharing it with video…

The Two Parts

There are two parts to what I offer - one is to work with you so that you have 3 core videos to spring forward with and connect with your audience…

The other is to effectively install a system for creating videos on an ongoing basis that’s so simple you use it. 

The system becomes a part of what you do all the time instead of something you bolt on after the fact.

Everything effectively becomes potential content. In the process you get to share magical moments you wouldn’t otherwise. 

A lot of people focus on the gear and while it’s important to get good lighting and clear audio many videos start to go into more of a Hollywood production rather than just staying with what’s simple and making sure to focus on the message…

I am good at drawing ideas out of people, having them reflect upon what they are doing and voicing it…so my intent isn’t to show you the best way to be cinematic with video nor is the focus on what you can do with a camera...

The real focus is how the camera can show the sides of you that unless people meet you in person they just don't get to experience...

Yet it's often that experience that provides a deeper connection...

You may wonder if I can do any of this and that’s why I invite you to a free strategy session…because regardless on if you work with me or not on an ongoing basis I can pretty much guarantee by the time we are done you will think differently about what you are doing with video…

In the process I hope to free your mind from the tech overwhelm, the stressfulness of perfection, and really embrace the medium as a form of connection to your tribe…

So book a free session below and let’s see what we can co-create together in terms of a path for you using video to connect with your tribe.

Be sure to fill out this quick form before booking a call so that I can use our time for informed questions and ideas. 

Thank you!

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