I believe we are in a spiritual war and a huge part of that is a battle for our attention - where attention goes energy flows…by hijacking our attention they get us into a loop where we are more easily manipulated by events that seem to be random yet are cleverly orchestrated towards particular outcomes…
To be free is to let go of the subconscious routines keeping us serving against our best interests on a daily basis…
A lot of this involves uncoupling from the lies embedded into our subconscious…this is an ongoing thing…
Example - the lie that time is money - money is printed endlessly while time is according to our current view or reality limited with a specific end point…
To get out of the matrix is to uncouple from enough of the lies that you are making decisions based on your own intentions rather than a build up of subconscious routines and values placed by culture or immediate family…
In other words, freedom comes from mindset more than it comes from having a certain amount of money per month…you can have that mindset at anytime in life…it’s a lot easier to uncouple from the matrix when you have enough resources to free up your time however you can still free your mind regardless of where you are at with money…
Your success then comes from being free in mind so that you are happy, you find the joy of living regardless of outer circumstances…
So many incorrectly think that outer wealth is inner wealth…
For us to evolve we need the inner wealth to make the outer wealth something that stays around so that we don’t just go back to the default of how we were raised…
One of the best ways to create an intentional life free from the matrix is through creativity…
Creativity is the gateway to your soul, to your heart and to the whispers that the universe is speaking usually through intuition…follow that and then open up to endless possibilities rooted in trust of the universe rather than just trust in logic…
They both have value yet our society places so much upon logic it misses creative magic, the unfolding of gifts whispered from the soul…
To get to our creative heart we open ourselves up to synchronicities, to creating without the need for anything but the joy of it…
We create to know ourselves through what we create…painting, drawing, writing, all of it reflects back to us what we are working through, our shadow side with our hopes and dreams without the need for logic…
Releasing logic is so hard in our current culture which glorifies science which also has been hijacked for power and control…science has a place yet to say it’s the only way is to miss the mark completely - as in I will believe it when I see it rather than I will see it when I believe it…
Both have their moments…and it’s the dance between the two, it’s the pursue obsessively yet hold loosely…both ways of being are asking for that in different ways…
Once there is a vision it’s releasing it to the world and trusting in the outcome while always reinforcing the future self in the now…
Science can’t have that and yet there is something to be said for looking and knowing when to adjust, as it having a now experience so that you can ride the waves of the universe which is so much more creative than we are…this way when you are going through you are open to the path the universe wants you to follow to your dreams rather than just the one your mind thinks is possible…
So to get through all that comes from creating…and I like creating with video as I feel like the lens is an awesome teacher…that once I have systems in place for creating - it’s through the ongoing creations that wisdom comes…and it’s through that wisdom that I learn so much more from ideas…
If we are to be fully alive then it comes from our own intention…it comes from living a fully intentional life…and that’s an ongoing never ending process of unfolding…
Creating is the fuel for that unfolding happening through us…
We are creating for ourselves and others at the same time…where we have our own ideas yet we are also stealing like an artist…we are taking ideas from everywhere and putting it into our crucible of creating, of learning and having it mix together and then be our own through that mix…
It’s the love of that process that’s everywhere…content is everywhere, everything is a teacher…it’s opening up to all of that…
When we do we are free even as we are learning to let go of those things that are like a rope on a grown elephant…while we could easily break free we have grown to think it keeps us in place…yet the more we learn, create, help and teach others along the way, the more it allows us to finally in one instant, pull the rope and walk away…
The rope broke in that moment yet that moment came from many epiphanies…you don’t need but a moment to be released though…time is elusive and someone might take years to get to the same moment and others a day…
Creating is how we got here, it’s what we do for our species to keep on going and it’s what we do to further our development and understanding…
I believe we have been led intentionally away from creating because then it’s much harder to reach that inner world…which in turn makes us easier to control…
Yet rather than fight against the matrix we are instead creating towards what we want trusting that as we uncouple and create the rope just breaks…we get there much faster by focusing on what we do want rather than what we don’t want…
So I introduce systems that are so simple they just work…that’s what life is so simple it just is and yet we complicate it endlessly…
It doesn’t matter if this or that person sees success what matters is that it’s so simple you feel like you can do it…it’s so simple you probably won’t use it because we have been trained to look for the complicated…
Instead look to taking shots on goal…a shot on goal comes from each time you create…a video, a course, or whatever else…
You get a reward from that process regardless…when you write a book you are rewarded from what you go through, the endless re-learning…even if the book flops in terms of reaching others, you are better from the process…
Then you write another and another and another…
We are here to create and so we do…the more you create the more you align yourself to freedom…
So we create with systems that allow us to keep going when things seem to not be working…to keep going when we are depressed…to be so simple that we can still do it regardless of our feelings or energy level…
The key is to reduce all the friction from creating and then foster as much of an advantage to creating as you can…
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