The Imperfect Action Video Challenge
You're not alone if you want to create with video yet feel so constricted and fearful you never even start.
Maybe you hate your voice...that's actually natural! What you hear inside your head when you speak and what you hear from a recording is totally different!
Or maybe you see other videos and think you could never be as good as them...or maybe you feel like you don't have enough authority with your content...or maybe you just hate talking to a camera...
All of that is natural and to be expected!
The good news is you can get past all that...the bad news is no matter how much anyone promises you otherwise, you are going to have to be ok with sucking at first...
When you realize how powerful video is for connecting to your tribe then you know it's worth it.
There is also a serious side benefit. That by creating video content despite your fears you are burning through limitations...that the very act of creating content offers a way to up level what you are doing in life...
Join the challenge by signing up below and get emails with exercises to help you through the process of creating video content by taking imperfect action on a regular basis...
The good news is: even the worst case of procrastination is just a result of some 'faulty wiring' in your brain. And yes, it can be fixed. Download our free report now to see exactly how it's done.
Sign up below to get access the FREE Challenge!
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