How Do You Face an Ongoing Unpredictable Future?

You Go Back to Tried and True Methods...

The Real Secret? There is No Secret...

There are all kinds of short-term tactics online...they all come and go and if you are in a position to take advantage of these you win...only to find yourself back chasing the next one, the next big secret when right in front of you is the real answer...

The real secret is that a lot of ongoing successful businesses online use basic communication via email to win regardless of all the changes.

The challenge isn't getting an email address, it's creating content that makes people use a real email address...and then actually open and read the emails.

So you could go right now and buy an online course creating effective emails and yet have a 3% chance of getting the outcome you want. 

Did you know that 97% of people who take an online course don't get the outcome they signed up for?! There are a lot of reasons why...yet what else are you going to do right? That is unless you are willing to put yourself out there before you are ready...

You have to be willing to suck at what you are learning...and yet keep going anyway. Look at Gary Vee and his original videos...they are a stark contrast to what he does now...yet he did them and kept going although it all makes sense, the actual practice of repeating this is one of the biggest reasons people give up...

So there is an explosion of online courses and why? Because maybe, just maybe there is a chance that by taking the course you won't have to can look good right out of the gate...

There are some that do but again, look at the stats! Most do not...

I know this first hand...I have bought so many courses and still to this day have to go back to the basics...and you know what? Everytime I do I am reminded of the idea of the beginner's mindset...

See I know all the ideas - I have been to Funnel Hacking Live, taken the 30 day challenge from Russell Brunson not once but three times!...I have gone through courses from Jon Morrow, Andre Chaperon and many others...

I have even successfully helped businesses optimize their website with stellar results...yet when it comes to my own and starting from scratch...I create and then I start over and create and start over...

It wasn't until I started in with YouTube that it all really started to sink in on how much I was avoiding failing...see YouTube is one of the best places for seeing how much time you can spend on a project and get literally nothing back...

Yet at the same time creating videos for YouTube is one of the best teachers...yet even then you can win and still fail all because of one thing...unless you have their email, they are not really your audience...

If You Want to Take an Online Course...You have to be Have a Sandbox to Play in First...

Get the series that walks you through creating a basic online sandbox:

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