Black Friday 2023 Alternatives!!
Alternatives to help you with escaping the matrix while also supporting small to medium sized business...and when you purchase with alternative currency you strengthen alternative methods of exchange!
Some of these are affiliate links so that when you purchase you support a fellow creator keeping free of the matrix at now extra cost to you!
Up the ante! Although not everyone will have the option of using alternative methods of exchange, if they do then go for it...doing this is a way of exercising alternative methods so that when you might have to use them you already have some experience.
Live the Off-Grid Dream! Build a homestead that makes 30k a month starting with little to no money.
A course, online community & step-by-step guides for anyone that wants to buy land, start a homestead, have cabin rentals, a retreat centre, regenerative farm, or community development and live in alignment with nature.
ThriveThemes - Create a Thriving Online Business!
Time freedom is one of the primary necessities for escaping the matrix and a thriving online business can do just that.
Wordpress allows you to easily move your site due to conflicts with any hosting provider making it one of the primary ways to escape censorship...
ThriveThemes provides not only a drag and drop page builder but multiple themes making it easier to have online courses and more without having to duct tape together plugins all at a very reasonable cost that includes a stellar education for all that you want to do...
Project 24 Complete blogging & YouTube system to make it as a full time creator!
Project 24 is designed for you to be full time through your blog, YouTube or both within 24 months...while most are saying 30 days to a million dollars, these guys are a lot more realistic and have a community of people to back it up. Totally worth it and if you get it now you save a bundle...
Lisa McCardle - Meditations, activations and more!
Lisa is a friend of mine who is on a path to help everyone create an extraordinary life and does so through meditations, activations, and coaching.
HigherSideChats - Exploring unconventional, suppressed, & esoteric topics with the brightest minds for our troubled times...
Gregg Carlwood does one of the best podcasts out there on the web for getting information that will free your mind from the matrix. The first hour is free but with a paying subscription you support Gregg while getting a whole other hour! Plus there is a discount when you give this as a gift, this one is a must have for free minds everywhere...
Amazon with a Twist - Instead of the usual use this method to buy direct!
A huge percentage of Amazon is made up of third party fact I used to be one of them (WJC Pottery). The twist here is once you find products you like then look at their information and more often than not they will have a website. By going directly to their website to purchase you give them more profit, help slow Amazon from taking over everything, and maybe even build an ongoing relationship.
Etsy with a Twist - Instead of the usual use this method to buy direct!
Etsy has so many niche fact I used to be one of them (WJC Pottery). The twist here is once you find products you like then look at their information and more often than not they will have a website. By going directly to their website to purchase you give them more profit. Unlike Amazon Etsy isn't taking over everything however buying direct does help smaller businesses keep going...
REI Coop - Since 2015 REI has been opting outside...
REI has been leading the way to opt outside by closing on Black Friday...this not only helps their employees enjoy the holiday but also encourages people to be with each other in nature. This is along the lines of buy nothing day yet the focus is on the outdoors. This of course encourages people to get outdoor equipment yet it's still a major action from a well known retailer to forgo profits for the movement...
Rejoin the Republic - This one is free it just takes time...
This is well beyond most yet did you know you are part of the corporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (all caps intentional)...there is a way to reclaim your freedom via the original republic. This could be the most challenging and potentially rewarding actions you take. It's a YouTube playlist full of what really went on when you were born and how to get and stay free!